Useful Research Tools List


Over the last couple of years as I have got into the world of Academia, certain tools have made my life much much easier. I thought I would put them all together in one place in case someone else finds them helpful and also so that I don't forget that they exist, going forward.

Some Useful Links 

Tools I've Used 
  • Zotero - amazing reference and content management system
  • Google Docs / Microsoft Word 
  • Google Sheets / Excel
  • Google Forms / Microsoft Forms 
  • Qualtrics - high quality powerful survey software and Data Analysis 
  • Timeline JS - making useful Timelines from spreadsheets 
  • - free tool for complex diagram drawing integrates with Drive / OneDrive
  • Google Data Studio - for Data Analysis 
  • Atlas.Ti for Qualitative Data Analysis 
  • Temi - Transcription Services for Audio 
  • Google Scholar  - Access to References Quickly
  • BASE - Academic Search Engine 
  • TurnItIn - Writing Feedback and Plagiarism Check 
  • Grammarly - Writing Feedback and Error Correction 
  • SocNetV - Social Network Visualisation
  • PaperPile - Academic Resources 
Tools I want to Try Still


I plan to return to this post in future and update it as I continue using new tools in my research into 2022. 


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